Welcome to the First Nations Housing Knowledge Base! 

In 2021, the First Nations Health and Social Secretariat of Manitoba (FNHSSM) answered the Canada-wide "Housing Supply Challenge" from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) to develop data-driven solutions that improve the housing supply. Our team developed a concept for an online housing knowledge database to support First Nations in managing their housing supply on reserve.  

This knowledge database concept was selected by CMHC for incubation funding, which enabled us to work with First Nations housing experts and an Indigenous technical partner to deliver that concept as a full plan. 

In 2022, FNHSSM was selected to finalize that design plan in preparation for full implementation. We worked with our partners to finish designing our online housing knowledge base. During this process, we added the capability for the site to record local housing capacity through the input of a First Nations' housing manager. This capability allows for the gathering of current housing data on all Manitoba First Nations, which does not currently exist. 

In the fall of 2022, our plans were approved to begin implementation, to begin building our housing tool. We continued with the support of our housing experts and secured input from First Nations housing managers in a regional meeting, and we are now looking to pilot our app in five communities during the spring. Near to summer, our site will launch to Manitoba First Nations. 

The First Nations Housing Knowledge Base is a platform designed to provide support to Housing Managers to assist with home maintenance, capital development, and home ownership support information. The platform can also take stock of the current housing supply and enable Housing Managers to record local housing capacity, which will be used to generate an annual report on the state of First Nations housing in Manitoba. 

We are committed to working in collaboration with First Nations communities and housing experts to ensure that our tool is culturally appropriate, respectful, and effective. Our goal is to support First Nations in managing their housing supply on reserve and to improve the quality of life for community members. 

Thank you for visiting our website, and we look forward to supporting your community's housing needs. 


The First Nations Housing Knowledge Base Team