
Acceptance and Implementation of the NAN Housing Strategy Roadmap

success story




This presentation explores the acceptance and implementation of the NAN Housing Strategy Roadmap that was developed in response to the NAN chiefs' declaration of a housing emergency.


"Housing is a priority. Every family needs to have their own space to create memories."  -Oshkaatisak Council  


 In 2014 the Chiefs-In-Assembly announced a NAN-wide Housing State of Emergency. 

  • Decades of inappropriate intervention  

  • Described conditions of community homes as 'deplorable'  

  • Leading to extensive health issues, short housing life, overcrowding, and extreme mould  


The Chiefs-In-Assembly support community-defined needs and NAN communities' self-determination of their housing systems.  


An overview of the NAN Housing Strategy:



  • To create occupant-focused housing needs and assessment tools to support creating long-term housing and infrastructure plans.  

  • Vision-appropriate housing and community designs to match the needs of NAN communities.  

  • To create educational opportunities to support professional development for skills training programs in housing-related fields.  

  • Develop policies and alternative funding mechanisms.  


In 2014, the NAN Kiiwaywin Chiefs-In-Assembly received its full mandate for implementing the NAN Housing Strategy Roadmap. The Roadmap has seven themes.  


  1. Advocacy for Inclusive Housing Systems  

  • Understanding the youth's journey and access to housing on and off-reserve.  

  • Document how a home is an essential tool in building community wellness.  

  • Supports the development of models for continuum care and emergency housing.  


  1. Health Impacts on Housing  

  • Addresses the health impacts of inadequate housing and infrastructure.  


  1. Design and Materials  

  • In engagements with community members and professionals, housing design and materials are not appropriate for the climate of the North.  

  • Current funding mechanisms and programs do not allow first nations to focus on the pre-construction process that can generate appropriate designs.  


  1. Integrate Infrastructure  

  • Advocate for governments to address NAN's housing and infrastructure needs.  

  • Support the development of integrated community housing and infrastructure plans.  


  1. Funded Structures

  • Stable funding and programming are needed to support housing systems.  

  • The cost of housing and materials for the northern and rural communities is higher, and the gap continues to increase.  

  • We want to advocate creating long-term funding.  


  1. Governance to Policy Reform    

  • Community planning, housing design, and governance are essential to achieving lasting change.  

  • First nations have the right, stated by the United Nations Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples to create, maintain, and strengthen their housing institutions with insured support from government partners.  

  • Current processes and policies need to be reviewed and updated to realize first nations' control of housing. Otherwise, the current housing crisis will only continue.  


  1. Capacity Development and Training  

  • Relying on external labour for housing development misses out on creating jobs for local economic developers.  

  • Interested community members face barriers to accreditation's of credentials for working in the housing system.  


The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Housing Supply Challenge announced a new project for Community-Led Designs for Specialized Housing in the North (CLDSHN) to develop "shovel-ready" housing tool kits for Single Adults, Housing with Supports, and Emergency Housing.  

The newly announced project will focus on the much-needed specialized housing that will support communities by allowing them to co-design housing packages appropriate for the north. All NAN First Nations can use this to address the three greatest needs of the Single population Adults, Housing with Supports, and Emergency Housing.  

The goal is to provide First Nations with "Construction Shopping Lists that will allow them to build culturally appropriate houses designed by First Nations that are Engineered and Architect stamped.  

The project will support NAN communities from the pre-developed process. Co-creating teams consisting of NAN community members, and front-line service providers, will work with the three identified populations designed by communities, meant for communities and the climate of the North & geography. Tribal Councils and other experts will assist each team in ensuring other communities will use the project. They plan to launch this project in late fall/ early winter 2022 and an Information Webinar early next year in 2023.  


Roadmap Projects:  

Creating a Home for the Youth (funded, ongoing)  

  • Interviewing Youth to understand their housing journey and how different systems such as education, health, care, and justice impact access to housing.  

  • Identifying ways to improve and advocate for Youth Housing experiences using the voices of NAN youth.  

A Home of Our Own (partially funded, ongoing)  

  • Collected over 100 youth designs at Youth gatherings, in the community, and other events.  

  • Developed a Prototype design with Youth Input and will continue to prototype and refine it so it can be made available for all interested communities.  

Other Projects:  

Recording Our Truth (partially funded, ongoing)  

  • Interviewing Elders to understand their experience with home and the changes that have taken place in their lifetime and histories of the current housing emergency.  

True Cost of Housing in the North (funded, ongoing)  

  • Collect basic information on waitlists, the number of lists, future growth plans, and costs related to housing to support ongoing work.  

  • Surveys sent out in March and September 2022 are still open and receiving replies.  


The NAN Chiefs accepted the immediate housing needs technical reports, which identified the number of houses currently needed in the NAN territory, which is 7,588. It also includes infrastructure needs such as roads, water treatment plans, and other related information.  

Everyone has the right to housing to make them feel safe and well.   

The NAN advisory council, community members, and leadership developed the NAN Housing Strategy as a solution to the needs of their communities. The seven themes represent the community member's voices and areas that need action.  


Q. Is the Roadmap in a report form?  

A. Yes, it will be available in a couple of weeks. – S.  

We will be hosting the NAN Housing Summit, and that is where we will be launching the   

NAN Housing Strategy at the Summit on November 15 and 16, 2022. – M  

Q. What would you suggest to the government about what can we do better?  

A. Stable funding. Allowing communities not to have to apply every year. To have the ability to plan. With stable systems comes stable planning. – S.  

To be needs-based. Distributed to all communities. – M.  

Q. Are there any strategies to create housing for urban members?  

A. Forced displacement: Lack of housing investment forcing community members off-reserve to urban settings. – S.  

This is more focused on on-reserve housing. – M.  


NAN will share the designs and licenses with NAN community members, so they can use those and be built in their communities.

By: Tricia Cook, Content Navigator