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Efficiency Manitoba

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Efficiency Manitoba


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Manitoba’s Crown Corporation, Efficiency Manitoba, is dedicated to saving energy, money, and the environment. Efficiency Manitoba’s legislated mandate is to develop and support energy-efficiency initiatives. Efficiency Manitoba offers a wide range of programs for your home, business, and community as well. To reduce energy rate increases, Efficiency Manitoba is currently implementing its first 3 year long program(2020 – 2023). They also offer cost-effective programs and services to achieve considerable annual energy savings.

Efficiency Manitoba’s legislated mandate is to develop and support energy efficiency initiatives. The Efficiency Manitoba Act has created a defined mandate for the Crown Corporation, as it is set in the establishing legislation. Efficiency Manitoba will be dedicated to energy efficiency and the conservation of energy for the Province of Manitoba. Efficiency Manitoba will be run through the Efficiency Manitoba Board.


Efficiency Manitoba’s Mandate includes:

  • Achieving Electrical Energy net savings that are at least equal to 1.5 percent of the consumption of electrical energy in the preceding year, for a cumulative total of 22 percent reduction in the first 15-year period.
  • Achieving Natural Gas net savings that are at least equal to 0.75 percent of the consumption of natural gas in the preceding year, for a cumulative total of 11.25 percent reduction in the first 15-year period.
  • Implementing and supporting demand-side management initiatives to meet the savings targets and achieve any resulting reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in Manitoba.
  • Achieving additional reductions in the consumption of electrical energy or natural gas — including resulting reductions in the demand for electrical power — if the reductions can be achieved in a cost-effective manner.
  • Mitigating the impact of rate increases and delaying the point at which capital investments in major new generation and transmission projects will be required by Manitoba Hydro to serve the needs of Manitobans.
  • Having the option to expand efficiency initiatives to include potable water consumed in Manitoba and fossil fuels used in the transportation sector.



One of the programs that Efficiency Manitoba offers includes the ‘Energy Efficiency Assistance Program’. For qualifying households, Efficiency Manitoba offers free or subsidized energy-efficient upgrades. Their team of professionals inspects eligible improvements, pays for the upgrades, and takes care of everything.


Efficiency Manitoba



Another program is called the In-Suite Energy Efficiency Program’ for multi-family buildings. Working with Ecofitt Corporation, property managers and owners improve the suites of residential buildings to the energy-efficient upgrade that’s right for you, your home, and your wallet.

They also have a ‘First Nation Energy Efficiency Program’. Efficiency Manitoba partners with First Nations to upgrade and install energy-efficient updates.

For example:

  • Free LED light bulbs
  • Free low-flow shower heads and faucet aerators
  • Free insulated pipe wrap
  • Free draft proofing

Efficiency Manitoba has a First Nation Advisor who helps create a plan for the community with energy-efficient upgrades and hires local community members to see the construction through. They also have more energy and money-saving programs for Insulation, Windows and Doors, Heating and Controls, and many more. They also have programs for property managers and owners of multi-family buildings.

Efficiency Manitoba’s mission is:

“Efficiency Manitoba reduces energy consumption using innovative approaches that respect the environment and lead to economic benefits for Manitobans”.

Their strategic goals are as follows:

  • Achieving excellence in our programs and services
  • Building a solid foundation for a successful organization
  • Building and sustaining meaningful partnerships with a customer focus
  • Transforming attitudes towards energy efficiency

With energy-saving upgrades for your home, business, and community, we can all start saving more money and energy. You can also finance your upgrades (if you qualify) and apply for the ‘Manitoba Hydro’s Home Energy Efficiency Loan’ and your monthly payments will be added to your energy bill.

Efficiency Manitoba has many energy and money saving programs. To qualify for any of these programs applicants must meet the program criteria. The energy experts at Efficiency Manitoba can inspect where upgrades are needed to conserve energy consumption and do our part to save the Earth.

By: Tricia Cook, Content Navigator