Changing a Furnace Filter

How Often Should You Change Your Furnace’s Filter

Lowering Energy Costs




Furnace Filters
(Photo Above: Dirty Furnace Filter)









As winter gets closer and the temperature drops, we use our furnaces more to keep us warm. Maintaining your furnace helps keep it working at the top of its efficiency. People are rarely aware that the furnace filter should be cleaned or replaced every three months. Keeping your furnace in top condition will help save money and keep you and your family warm in the winter and cool in the summer. 

Not all filters are the same, and some furnaces have built-in filters that require regular cleaning. Here are some tips on changing your filter to keep your furnace running smoothly: 

  1. Knowing your Filter: reading your furnace manual will let you know which type of filter you need and the required MERV rating. MERV – Minimum Efficiency Reporting Valve shows you the value of your filter. Lower MERV filters have larger holes that allow dust into your Furnace. Higher MERV has smaller holes that better keep the dust and lint out of your Furnace. There are two types of filters, and they are: 

    • Flat Filters: have smaller filter areas that need cleaning or may need to be replaced faster than; 

    • Pleated Filters: have larger areas to gather more dust, lint, and other air particles. These can be changed every 90 days. Residential furnaces should have MERV Ratings of 6 to 12 for the best performance from their Furnace. 

  1. How to tell when to change your Filter: Filters have an essential job. They help keep dust, hair, and small particles, so your furnace isn’t damaged. Your furnace will not work as efficiently if you change your filters regularly. Some filters need more than 90 days, but 90 days is typically the amount of time for your replacements. Check the manufacturer’s recommendations. 

Clean Furnace Filter Vs. Dirty Furnace Filter
(Photo Above: Comparing a clean filter (left) with a dirty one)


  1. Do filters last three months? To be sure your furnace is running efficiently as possible, you can always inspect your filter sooner than three months. Checking your filter once a month is a general guideline. Depending on a few factors like: 

    • The number of people living in the home 

    • Pets 

    • Smoking habits 

    • Allergies 

    • Weather conditions 

    • Types of filters 

    Filters should be cleaned or replaced every 90 days. 

  1. How do you know if you need to change your furnace filter? 

    • Dusty Filter- if your filter gathers too much dust, it will clog the filter. 

    • Hairy Filter- having pets at home affect your filter. During hair-shedding season, you may check your filter more often, which can be why you need to change your filter more than every 90 days. 

    • Unhealthy Filter- allergies and asthma need fresh air constantly, so they don’t experience breathing difficulties. If there are health issues in the home, changing the filter can be done sooner. You can also use a HEPA filter (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) that traps microorganisms like bacteria, yeast, fungi, and mildew. 

    • Tired Filter- Canadian winters require the furnace to work full-time to keep the house warm. When people smoke in the house or open doors and windows, the systems fan works a lot, or if there is more dust in the home, your filter will need more frequent changing. 

  1. Can you change the filter on your own? It is always best to trust professionals, but if you want to do it on your own, it’s not too much work. Here are some tips: 

    • Always switch the furnace off.  

    • The filter is in the Return Air Vent; see how it's positioned, then replace. 

    • If your filter is permanent, you can clean it by vacuuming the debris and wiping it clean with a damp cloth and letting it dry completely before putting it back.

Changing your filter regularly is an easy step that will optimize the performance of your furnace and prolong its lifespan. 

By: Tricia Cook, Content Navigator