Indigenous Skills Training Program by the CMHC

The Indigenous Skills Training Program is a funding program by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). The fund is to help develop skills and capacity to improve housing on-reserve. By supporting partner-led initiatives, you can enhance your skills and capacity development. Some funds can also be used to develop culturally relevant content, resources, and training or mentorship activities. Another way to use these funds is to sponsor or host regional or local indigenous events, and the funds must be used between your current fiscal year, April 1st to March 31st of that same fiscal year.

This program will provide $1,852 million each year and be managed on a national level and there will be no regional allocation. However, there will be a focus on regional distribution. Some developmental skills that are included are planning, building, inspecting, or managing housing. Other funds can go towards training, mentorships, culturally relevant content, resources, technical support and Indigenous housing conferences or events.
The people eligible for this funding are in groups: First Nations, Tribal councils, Indigenous organizations, capacity organizations/associations and technical service groups. You may also be eligible for skills and capacity development activities which include planning, designing, building, inspecting, or managing housing. Another way to qualify for funding is to ensure that your activities promote sustainable, efficient approaches to skills and capacity building, which include training, mentorships, culturally relevant content development, resources, technical support, and support from indigenous housing events that improve housing, on national, regional, or local areas. Funds can be used for housing conferences or events but not for individual participation registration or travel.
Application Process
If you would like to apply to the Indigenous Skills Training Program, you will need to sign up for an account in the CMHC online application portal. Along with your project proposal, you will also need to include a ‘Statement of Work’. The IST program Fact Sheet (PDF Format) briefly describes the program eligibility requirements: What activities are eligible, who is eligible to apply and how to apply.
The QuickStart Reference Application Guide (PDF Format) is an outline with all the required information and any documentation you may need. Reading the guide first, before filling out the online application portal would be a good place to start. The QuickStart reference application guide has 7 steps to help you prepare to apply to this program. Read each step carefully to ensure you have all the information you need to be successful in getting funds for your project.
Statement of Work

A Statement of Work (SOW) is a document within the contract with details of the requirements for the project you are applying for. It's an important document that states how the project will be completed with expectations and contractors will use the SOW to complete the project with the guidelines of the ‘Statement of Work’. Usually, the LOB ‘line of business’ drafts the document, but in some cases the Indigenous and Northern Housing Solutions Specialist may draft the document based on the needs of the Indigenous partner.
Format of a Statement of Work
- identify your project and location
- what kind of services
- how many parties are involved
the INHS uses Contribution Agreements for the Indigenous Skills Training (IST) project
- State why the work needs to be done
Discusses the purpose, objective and outcome of the project
Scope of Work
- Outlines the work and time commitment
You may make a list of different phases
Requirements and Tasks
- Detailed tasks
Requirement lists for contracts and providers
Period and Performance
- Specific, predetermined dates
- A certain period
End date with the fiscal year
Place of Performance
Where will the project take place
- Personnel list involved
- Key players on both sides of LOB
Equipment listed to use like hardware and software
Deliverables and Schedules
- List all deliverables to servers/providers
- Schedule of when is completed
Deadlines may be included
Payment Terms and Schedule
- Schedule and pricing section
- Milestone or deliverable – payment due upon completion (Line of Business)
By schedule – payment due on fixed dates
Miscellaneous and Special Requirements
- Additional information
- Industry specifics/ travel requirements
- Exclusions and assumptions
Proposals will be based on a point-scoring system:
- Relevance to First Nation priority areas for skills development
- Potential for impact and sustainability of knowledge for the target audience
- Knowledge exchange/dissemination
- Feasibility
- Activity objectives and format
For more information please call the Indigenous Skills Training Program at 1-800-668-2642 or email at capacityrelationships@cmhc.ca.
Written By: Tricia Cook, Content Navigator