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YouTube Links for Tips to Save on Money and Energy at home

Lowering Energy Costs





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Welcome. Here we have gathered some useful information and tips to save money and lower energy costs in these various YouTube links for every room of your home.

These YouTube links also provides information on 'winterizing' your home. Videos like "How to Insulate your Windows", "Saving Water" and how "Temperature (thermostat) Setbacks" can help save you money.

The YouTube Channel "Money Strategies for Life" provides us with recommendations on how to save money with energy saving tips to save money in your every day life in every room of your home.


1. How Thermostat Setbacks Save Money | Ask This Old House - YouTube 

Adjusting your thermostat can help reduce your energy usage and save you money. A thermostat or temperature setback is a technique that allows you to lower the thermostat settings at certain times, like when you're sleeping or away from home, so the temperature drifts lower, using less heat, resulting in saving energy and money on your heating bills. You can also use this technique in the summertime with your air conditioning.


2. VERIFY: Is it better to keep the heat on or off when leaving your home? - YouTube 

We all want to stay warm during the winter months. We also want to save money on our hydro bill as well. A myth states that turning the heat off while you're out of the house or sleeping will cost more to heat the house back up when you're home or awake. It’ll take the same energy to reheat your home as it does when you are home with the furnace on. The savings come from not using your furnace. The longer you cool the home without using the furnace, the more you save on your heating bills. Is it Cheaper to Leave Central Heat Running All the Time? (


3. Save money on your water bill with these tips - YouTube

Tips to save more water in the home include shorter showers and upgrading to low-flow shower heads that use up to 2 gallons of water will cut your water bill in half. Remember to always fully the dishwasher for the best energy savings. Repairing leaky faucets can save gallons of water per year. There are even online activities to calculate how many gallons a dripping faucet can waste per day/year at 
Drip calculator: How much water does a leaking faucet waste? USGS Water Science School

Water conservation: 10 ways to conserve water in your home | Canadian Living   


4. How to save money on your electric bill this summer - YouTube

This YouTube video provides more tips we can use in our homes to save on energy costs. Turning off the lights when no one is in the room is one way to save energy, and unplugging any electronics that aren't being used will eliminate Phantom Power. Adjusting the temperature in your refrigerator and freezer will also help save energy as it's one of the more expensive appliances to own as it's always running using power. It also includes more tips for saving energy around the house.


5. How to install the Frost King Shrink Window Insulation Kit - YouTube

Window insulation kits are a great way to stop drafts coming inside the home. This video is a step-by-step guide for installing plastic wrap. Using window insulation kits will keep your home warmer during the winter and cooler in the summer.


Household Money Saving Tips from Money Strategies for Life:

The Money Strategies for Life channel provides tips on saving money throughout your everyday life, from budgets and groceries to money savings. This series of videos includes energy-saving tips for each specific room in your home. Utilizing these tips can help conserve energy and save you money!


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YouTube series: "How to Save on Energy Bills":


By: Tricia Cook, Content Navigator