Fre Maachi and the Manitoba Metis Federation
The MMF opened a transitional housing building for the Metis population facing homelessness. They also have programs and services to help them with what they need help with, a home, free laundry, computer access and mental and health services too.
Tall Cree First Nation and The Water Treatment Plant
The new upgraded Water Treatment Plant in Tall Cree First Nation built in 2014.
Opaskwayak Cree Nation Community Masterplan
Opaskwayak Cree Nations 20-year Community Masterplan
Opaskwayak Cree Nation and its new Apartment Complex in Winnipeg
The Chief & Council of Opaskwayak Cree Nation were in Winnipeg on January 11, 2023, with members of the federal government and of the provincial government to announce the construction of a 69-unit energy-efficient apartment complex in Winnipeg.
Fisher River Cree Nation and the Transitional Housing Shelter
Fisher River Cree Nation announces new Transitional Housing Shelter in May 2023, "Kah Pa Pak", the Cree word for Butterfly; it symbolizes the journey when a woman leaves the abuse/violence behind and transitions into a safe, beautiful life...
Building New Affordable Homes with Purpose Construction
Construction company hires certain demographics for on-the-job paid training to build affordable homes for low-income families with dependants for homeownership.
The Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte - Transitional Shelters aka Red Cedars Shelters tiny homes
Five women of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte built two transitional shelters for families escaping Domestic Violence and gaining experience in Construction and other skilled trades.
Chapleau Cree First Nation and the Rapid Housing Initiative
Chapleau Cree First Nation implemented the Rapid Housing Initiative to build 2 triplexes in 6 months to address the housing shortages.j
Building Homeownership Opportunities with the First Nations Market Housing Fund
The FNMHF is a non-profit trust that First Nations developed for First Nations, designed to support housing and loan arrangements between First Nations and lenders. They also help pay for things related to housing and homeownership.
Astum Api Niikinaahk – Come and Sit at Our Home
Transitional housing units for people who face mobility challenges that has a medical center, alcohol program, and foot clinic.
Acceptance and Implementation of the NAN Housing Strategy Roadmap
In 2014, the Chiefs in Assembly of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) community declared a Housing Emergency. This presentation explores the acceptance and implementation of the NAN Housing Strategy Roadmap that was developed in response.